Bagby Performer Registration Performer's Gender Identification Performer T-Shirt Size (Youth) Performance History / Experience
Dance History / Experience
I AGREE in the event my child has a medical emergency I give permission for my child to receive care / treatment from a licensed physician at the nearest hospital or other medical facility.
Select ALL dates your performer has a conflict with rehearsals. Please note, casting is based on BOTH talent AND availability. More than FIVE conflicts are likely to impact casting decisions. *
List any exceptions or explanations for any of your conflicts here (e.g., given conflicts are only during a portion of a rehearsal)
I UNDERSTAND and AGREE that taking part in a stage production is a commitment. Although your performer will not be called to all rehearsals, performers must attend all rehearsals they are called to that are not on their conflict list. Unexcused absenses may result in recasting or removal from the production.
I UNDERSTAND and AGREE that casting decisions are at the sole discretion of the creative team and are final. I further UNDERSTAND and AGREE withdrawing from the production after casting causes significant disruption to the production as a result of the need to recast roles and potentially reschedule rehearsals. Withdrawing after casting without good cause may result in a forfeiture of any fees paid and potential prohibition from participating in future productions.
I UNDERSTAND and AGREE that as a condition of my child participating in this production each family must provide TWENTY (20) volunteer hours (inclusive of two hours of setup or strike) to assist in the successful production OR must buy out their volunteer obligation at a prorated $400. Volunteer opportunities will be posted during the first week of rehearsals.
I UNDERSTAND and AGREE that West Valley Youth Theater will capture photographs, video, and audio of rehearsals and performances for archival, communication, and marketing purposes. You hereby grant West Valley Youth Theater permission to capture photos, video, and audio of your child and that such media shall be the exclusive property of West Valley Youth Theater. You further expressly waive any right to inpsect or approve any captured media and agree to indeminify and hold hamrless West Valley Youth Theater against any claims, actions, costs, judgments or damages of any type related to the capture, production, distribution, or use of any such media.
I UNDERSTAND and AGREE that given the contagious nature of COVID-19 and other contagious diseases and viruses you voluntarily assume the risk that you and/or your children may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending and participating and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. I understand the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 and other contagious diseases and viruses may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, employees, contractors, volunteers, and program participants and their families.
I UNDERSTAND and AGREE that West Valley Youth Theater has the authority to establish the rules necessary for the operation of this production and has the sole discretion to decide that my child should be separated from the production because of a violation of such rules, for disruptive behavior, for conduct which could bring the production and/or West Valley Youth Theater or its members into disrepute, or for conduct which violates any policy or procedure of the school or West Valley Youth Theater. The decision to separate my child shall be final. I understand that if my child is required to leave the production, no refund will be made and they may not be allowed to participate in future productions.
My child will accept any role regardless of the role's gender identity
My child is only interested in an ensemble role